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Stained Glass


We are using SimpleChurch to allow you to direct your offering to the church’s annual budget online from your checking account, or from a debit or credit card.  You can make either a one-time offering or a recurring offering at a variety of intervals (weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or other). SimpleChurch automatically enters your gift into your giving record and applies it to your pledge if you made one.

To get started Click Here to Give Online This link will take you to a secure website that will transfer funds directly to the church’s bank account. If you are doing this for the first time, click “First Time” and setup your Donor Profile that will consist of your email address and a password (you’ll want to keep a record of the password).

Once you are a registered donor, you simply enter your Email and Password to add or change your gifts to the church.

There are no fees charged to you, and everything you give is applied to your pledge.  We suggest that you transfer from your checking account to minimize the church’s small transaction fees. To do that, click on “Use Check” at the right top of the screen.  We expect that by allowing this option we will more than make up for any transaction fees with additional gifts, while also reducing the work for the counters.

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